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Climate change science, data, and sustainability

In this lecture and hands-on activity, we’ll explore the following guiding questions:

  1. How do scientists share and synthesize data to build broader understanding of processes and make predictions?
  2. How might you, as an aspiring academic, find, understand, analyze, and reshare the same data to better understand the science and create new knowledge?

By the end of this lecture and hands-on, you should be able to:

  • Describe the concepts of Reproducibility and Transparency and explain their relevance to climate change science and sustainability of scholarship.
  • Explain how to enable open and sustainable data practices, and why it is important.
  • Discuss the necessary steps and considerations to make climate data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.
  • Download, analyze, synthesize, plot, and reshare, open climate change data.
  • Identify and discuss principles for creating effective scientific figures.
  • List various types of climate data and identify where and how to acquire open data sets that relate to them.


Watch the recorded lecture below for an introduction to the topic prior to beginning the hands-on activity.

Ready to begin the hands on activity? Go to the Preparation page.